Place born
Organisation / Person
1851-1857, whaling ship, Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, American

Alice Mandell (1851)

1851 - 1857

1852-1923, railway company, North America

Grand Trunk Railway

1852 - 1923

1847-1854, railway company

York, Newcastle & Berwick Railway

1847 - 1854

1846-1862, ralway company,

Eastern Union Railway

1846 - 1862

1852-1895, wife of William Friese-Greene, Swiss

Friese-Greene, Helena

1852 - 1895

1860-1903, railway company, Northern Ireland

Belfast & Northern Counties Railway

1805 - 1903

1851-1867, railway company, United Kingdom

Bangor & Caernarvon Railway Company

1851 - 1867

1846-1858, railway company, United Kingdom

Middlesbrough & Redcar Railway

1846 - 1858

1846-1948, railway company, United Kingdom

Belfast & County Down Railway

1846 - 1909

1846-1850, railway company, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Glasgow, Dumfries & Carlisle Railway

1846 - 1850

1847-1855, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Derbyshire, Staffordshire & Worcestershire Junction Railway

1847 - 1855

1846-1898, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Colchester, Stour Valley, Sudbury & Halstead Railway

1846 - 1898

1846-1847, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Eastern Union & Hadleigh Junction Railway

1846 - 1847

1853-1881, railway company, United Kingdom

Coleford, Monmouth, Usk & Pontypool Railway

1853 - 1881

1852-1858, railway company, United Kingdom

Middlesbrough & Guisborough Railway

1852 - 1858

1852-1933, shipyard; shipbuilder, Jarrow, England

Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company Limited

1852 - 1933

1847-1962, confectioners, Birmingham

Cadbury Brothers Limited


1849-1914, artist; painter; illustrator, born Bavaria, active England

Herkomer, Sir Hubert von

1849 - 1914

1878-1924, railway company, United Kingdom

Ballycastle Railway

1812 - 1924

1848-1865, railway company, United Kingdom

Monkland Railways

1848 - 1865

1847-1879, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Buckinghamshire Railway

1847 - 1879

1846-1880, railway company, United Kingdom

Morayshire Railway

1846 - 1880

1853-1917, inventor; camera manufacturer; manufacturer of optical devices; camera retailer, Belgian

van Neck, Louis

1853 - 1917

1850-1923, surgeon, British; English

Harrison Cripps, William

1850 - 1923

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1848-1903, engineer, English; British

Holt, Henry Percy

1848 - 1903

active 1840s, barometer maker, London

Pastorelli and Son

1848 - 1849

1853-1967, tool manufacturers, Salford, England

Craven Brothers Limited

1853 - 1967

1851-1923, locomotive engineer, British

Ivatt, Henry A

1851 - 1923

1851-1929, inventor, German-born; ethnically Jewish; American

Berliner, Emile

1851 - 1929

1848-1912, engraver; medallist, Italian

Giorgi, Luigi

1848 - 1912

1850-1922, medallist, Swedish

Högel, August

1850 - 1922

1853-1930, stockbroker; amateur photographer, British

Job, Charles

1853 - 1930

1850-1928, physician; homeopath, British

Reed, William Cash

1850 - 1928

1847-1966, manufacturer of ceramics, Stoke on Trent, England

W T Copeland and Sons Limited

1847 - 1966

1849-1962, locomotive works, Gorton, Manchester

Gorton Works

1849 - 1962

active 1850-1869, philosophical, chemistry & mathematical instrument/scale maker, London, England

Ladd and Oertling

1849 - 1869

1850s-1972, publisher, London, England

Crosby Lockwood and Company

1850 - 1972

1847-1870, manufacturer of cermaics, Belgium

J B Cappellemans, Willems Smith et Cie

1847 - 1870

1846-1917, painter; etcher, English; British

Hole, William Brassey

1846 - 1917

1846-1920, active 1888, machine maker; inventor of a type of air separator, British

Moodie, Robert

1846 - 1920

1851-1865, railway company, Glamorgan, Wales

Vale of Neath Railway

1851 - 1865

1853-1936, collector; pharmacist; benefactor, American; naturalised British

Wellcome, Sir Henry Solomon

1853 - 1936

1849-1923, surgeon, active in Ireland, New Zealander

Ormsby, Sir Lambert Hepenstal

1849 - 1923

1849-1924, physician; bacteriologist, Danish

Salomonsen, Carl Julius

1849 - 1924

1853-1924, astronomer, German-born; American

Schaeberle, John Martin

1853 - 1924

1848-1929, first baronet, brewer and railway manager, England, British

Bonsor, Henry Cosmo Orme

1848 - 1929

1852-1925, bicycle designer; company promoter, British; English

Lawson, Henry John

1852 - 1925

1848-1896, civil engineer; aviation pioneer, German

Lilienthal, Otto

1848 - 1896

1849-1924, physician; geologist, British

MacCulloch, William Mansell

1849 - 1924